==== Wolfenstein Grosse TC v. 1.1 ==============================================

This is the originally thought to be long-lost EDuke 2.0 TC from 2002.
It was found from a backup CD on August 7th, 2013.

---- Files and installation ----------------------------------------------------

grosse11.rar The original installer for the TC.
grosse11.txt The original readme file.

grosse11_unpacked.7z Unpacked version of the TC for non-Windows OSes.
grosse11_eduke32.7z EDuke32 compatible version of the TC.

If running from the original files, to make it work with EDuke32, just rename
"Grosse.grp" to "duke3d.grp", rename "Grosse.con" to "eduke.con" and comment
out or delete the first line in it, as such:

// include ENHANCE.con

You will also need to extract the "PALETTE.DAT" and "LOOKUP.DAT" to the
game directory in order for it to work.

---- Hints ---------------------------------------------------------------------

As a hint to survive the first room, open the door and hide behind it (the
gas won't get you when you're next to the door) so you can take out the
guards with the knife. Also remember to use medkits to stop bleeding.

Other than that you're on your own, the TC is unforgiving so save & load are
your best friends.