ΫΫ ΫΫΫΫΫ ΫΫΫ ΫΫΫ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ NeHe Presents... Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ ΫΫΫ ΫΫΫ ...xx/xx/96 Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ ΫΫ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ Ϋ ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Basic Controls are: TAB, Shift TAB, and the left and right arrow keys. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Q: First off, why the stupid name? A: Originally it was called DukeMap, but after joining the #duke3d channel, I was immediately told that there was already a program for launching TEN games called DukeMap. Sooo... :( Q: Why code a launcher for Duke Nukem 3D when Setup has all you could want? A: Setup is a great program, but it has way to many limitations. The most annoy of them is the 30 map limit. D-Map will work around the limits, however it should be noted that D-Map is NOT a replacement for setup. It will not let you set up sound cards, redefine keys, etc etc. It's strictly for launching Single Player, Serial and Modem Games. Q: Why release D-Map? A: As usual, I made D-Map for myself. It started out as a single player launcher. Because I play Dukematch as much as I do (addict), I eventually added serial and modem support and sent D-Map to a few of my friends. Oddly enough, they liked it, so I figured I'd release it to the public. Q: What makes D-Map worth having? A: Well, there are a few things that D-Map can do that make it worth using. Such as: ϊ No more 30 map limit. If you have 500+ maps, you'll see 500+ maps. ϊ Maps can be sorted by Name or by Size which is useful when you and a friend are trying to find a specific MAP. ϊ Maps can be loaded from any directory without hassle. ϊ Above 2 points are also relevant for RTS files. ϊ Exiting Duke Nukem will return you to the Launcher. Saves some time when playing level after level of dukematch :) ϊ etc etc. Q: So what's missing? A: Because I have no interest in rewriting setup, D-Map only lets you change a fraction of the things that setup will let you change. D-Map will not set up your soundcard, video modes, controller type, etc etc. D-Map will however let you change your match name, your serial and modem ports and phone dialer names and numbers. Q: What do I need to run it? A: It should run fine on any computer that can run Duke Nukem 3D. You will need a VGA card. ;) Last note: If you dont like D-Map, then don't use it. If you find a bug or many bugs, leave me some email. (after all, it hasn't been tested as much as it could be). If you use Win '95 and want a cool launcher, then get the Duke Nukem Control Center. It does everything my launcher does plus TONS more. (that guy better pay up... hee hee). ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Thanks goes to my Brother for testing, and his positive reviews. To Ted Z. for playing Dukematch with me over 100 times in just a few days. ;) To SeKs for nagging me about getting off my butt and coding something. (hey, not a demo but it was still fun to code!), and to Ulmo on #duke3d for recommending a help bar telling which keys do what... oops :) Greets to (SeKs, Fysx, Phoebus), Pandaro, Zorlim, Tmort, J.B. and anyone else I may have forgotten!!! ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ D-Map is Shareware. If you find it useful, why not register it for only $5. Registering shows me that my time spent programming D-Map was well spent. If you dont have $5 then send me a postcard, email or whatever... :) Jeff Molofee (aka NeHe) #41 Akinsdale Gardens St.Albert, Alberta T8N 2W8, Canada nehe@connect.ab.ca http://www.connect.ab.ca/~nehe ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ