-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Runner For Duke3d=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ___________________________Made By Charles Hammett___________________________ ------------------------------------ OF ------------------------------------- ============================ FiberOptic Overload ============================ INSTALL INFO This is a file for duke nukem 3d reg, it took me about a day to make and well i am proude of it. There are three steps For using my runner program. 1. Put the runner program in you duke3d directory. 2. Put a icon in the startup menu or desktop of you computer. 3 click on the icon and your on your way to a easy game. That is it people and well i would like for you to E-mail me and tell me whatyou think of my program, and if there is anything you think i should add to it in the future. Dont forget to E-Mail me i need to know if it has any bugs of if you think it is any good. LEGAL STUFF DUKE3d is a trademarks of 3D Relms, inc. Runner comes with NO WARRANTY whatsoever. I will not accept any liability. Use at your own risk. I did my best to avoid possible trouble, though. This Can Be given out where ever you want to give it out so enjoy and give to your friends and not so good friends. RUNNER PLANS In the next Runner i will have it list the .MAP files insted of you haveing to type in what one you want to play. Also i will add it so you can choose what .RTS you want to use. Last and not least I want to add modem controls so you can do it all with one program. Dont forget I need input so E-mail me with Ideas and i will give you credit for you idea in the program!! thats it for now Enjoy. Thanx, Charles Hammett Hacked@usa.pipeline.com Mirc = "}{acker" bbs = "Hacker"