Thanks for using Episoder by Charlie Wiederhold. Ok, to get this show on the road, just type episoder at the DOS prompt. I am sure most of you know that already so we are off to a good start. You will see a message telling you to read this file. Since you are reading this, we are off to a really good start! Now, before you start making this episode, here are a few notes or tips. All the .MAP files you want to use must be in your Duke directory. This program will not automatically run Duke 3D when you are done. That would be easy to do, but I figured that it was not needed in this first version. So, since it does not run Duke, you must make sure the .MAP files are in the same directory you are running Duke from. Secondly, when you want to play the episode, you just select Hollywood Holocaust. I have not messed with changing the epsisode names yet (Don't even know if it is possible, but I will be checking in on it). Since this will currently only let you make one episode Hollywood Holocaust is all you need to select. If you happen to select one of the other episodes, it will take you to Toxic Dump (Don't ask me why). OK, be sure to backup your USER.CON before you use this, so you can play the normal levels again. Or, just use RESETCON that comes with EditCON. I didn't add the feature to reset the levels yet. Sorry. This program is really for people who want to select lots of levels for Dukematch. With this, both you and the person(s) you want to play must select the same files in the same order, and voila, you can now flip between as many user made .MAP files as you want, instead of dropping to DOS or back into DUKEEDIT by Jennifer Lynn (Which I would suggest highly if you are making your own levels). One of the better aspects of this program, is if you have modified your .CON files, it will not mess with them. It will only change the information pertaining to the episode stuff. So, you can still have your super powered shotgun, and play the new episodes! But, if you use EditCON after using this, it will reset the episode information. A bug I plan to fix in the next version of EditCON. Enough of that, now to make your own episodes! Now, in the window at the top, you will see a thing that says: .MAP file name ==> This is where you type in the name of the .MAP file that you want to use. Just type in the name of the file that you want first in your episode. Note: You do NOT need to type .MAP after the file. So, if you want to use you would just type: pntball The next prompt you will see is: Level name ==> This is where you can give the file a cool name for when you play it in Duke 3D. That is how they got the names for the levels in the actual game. Thus, if I wanted to name my file, I would type: Paint Ball Note: If you do not wish to type a name for the file, just hit and the name of the file will be used instead. Also, in the .CON file it says that the maximum number of characters for the level name is 32. Well, it is actually 30. Anyways, you can type as many letters you want at this prompt, but my program will only accept the first 30 letters. When you are done entering all the levels you want to use, just hit at the ( .MAP file name ==> ) prompt. This will exit from the program, and save the new episode in your USER.CON file. Please note, this program leaves a residual file named USER.TMP in your Duke directory. You can delete this if it really bugs you, but it will just recreate it when you run it again. This file is used to swap information so that your old USER.CON file will not be changed except for the episode information. Again, thanks for trying my program. If you like it, tell me, so I will be motivated to write a better version, and eventually incorporate it into EditCON when I can. Charlie Wiederhold WiederWeb -