D U K E - M E N U ------------------- Version 1.0 FreeWare (c) Copyright 1996 Jennifer Lynn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ---------- 1) DukeMenu General Information A) System Requirements B) Smart-Map C) Installations D) Windows95 Enhancements 2) Installing DukeMenu A) Installation B) First Time Setup 3) The Main Screen A) Fast Menus B) KeyBoard ShortCuts 4) Command Menu A) DOS Prompt B) WIN95 Prompt C) Select Map... D) Select Art... E) Select Wad... F) Run Program G) Run Command H) Exit 5) Programs Menu A) Duke Nukem 3D B) Build C) Edit Art D) Wad 2 Map E) Duke3D Setup F) Build Setup G) User #1 H) User #2 6) Files Menu A) Map Manager B) Art Manager C) Smart-Map Linker 7) Options Menu A) Configure B) Installations C) Win95 Enhance 8) Help Menu A) Contents B) About... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 * DukeMenu General Information ------------------------------ 1.A: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------ Minimum Requirements For DukeMenu Only: 486 DX CPU 200kb Free Hard Drive Space 100kb Free Conventional Memory VGA Video Card MS-Compatable Mouse Duke Nukem 3D CD-ROM Recomended For DukeMenu and ALL Duke3D Components: Pentium CPU 100mb Free Hard Drive Space 550kb Free Conventional Memory 16mb Free Extended RAM Memory SVGA Video Card with VESA 2.0 1.B: SMART-MAP -------------- This is the main reason DukeMenu was originally created. Smart-Map makes it a snap to load ART, MIDI, and CON files with your MAPs. There are NO special file formats for this. Now you can easily use custom graphics, music, and game settings with your maps. Smart-Map goes on a name bassis for loading in all the needed files. Example: Let's say you have a map called "MyMap.map". Smart-Map will look for associated files in this order: 1) Look for "MyMap.ART" 2) Look for "MyMap.0##" 3) Look for "MyMap.MID" 4) Look for "MyMap.CON" With ART files, you can have any "TILES###.ART" associated with the map by canging the extention of the file. The file name would be the same as your map (ie: MyMap) and the extention would represent the Tiles File Number. So, if the ART file is "Tiles014.ART" it would be renamed to "MyMap.014". If you are only using 1 ART file then it is better to name it "MyMap.ART". Smart-Map Linker will take away any of the worries about what to name what. For more information see section: 6.C 1.C: INSTALLATIONS ------------------ DukeMenu has internal commands to install Duke3D, Build, EditArt, and Wad2Map. No more problems with the software not working correctly. DukeMenu will install all the needed files for the extra "Goodies" that come on your Duke Nukem 3D CD-ROM. Can't get build to work? 3D-Mode all screwy? Bsetup won't save changes? If you have any of these problems then let DukeMenu install Build for you! 1.D: WINDOWS-95 ENHANCEMENTS ---------------------------- If you are like many thousands of people, you have Windows95. Put it's power to work for you! Many people are reluctant to run DOS 4GW games such as Duke3D from within Windows95 because "The game does not run as good in win95". This is absolutely not true. DukeMenu can setup Windows95 to run Duke3D, Build, EditArt, and Wad2Map just as well as it runs in DOS by creating a PIF file with the proper settings and updating the Registry. The PIF file is a Program Information File that tells Windows95 specific settings that should be used when the program is executed. The Registry update will allow you to simply double-click on any MAP or ART file and it will be launched right into DukeMenu. You can also use the right mouse button on the MAP or ART file to go directly into Build or EditArt and to instantly run Duke3D with the specified MAP or ART. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2 * INSTALLING DUKEMENU --------------------- 2.A: INSTALLATION ----------------- Windows95: Create a folder for DukeMenu to reside in. I recomend putting a folder called "DukeMenu" into your "Duke3D" folder. To COPY the file to the new folder, hold the CONTROL (Ctrl) key down and drag the file "JL-DNM" (JL-DNM.EXE) to this new folder. To MOVE the file to the new folder, hold the SHIFT key down and drag the file "JL-DNM" (JL-DNM.EXE) to this new folder. Now, double-click on the file and it will self extract. DOS: Make a directory for DukeMenu to reside in. I recomend putting a sub-directory call "DukeMenu" in your "Duke3D" directory. Now copy or move the file "JL-DNM.EXE" to this new directory. Now change the working directory to this new directory and type: JL-DNM (press Enter). The file will then self extract. The files in the archive are: DM-Art.Ico (Multi-Res Icon for Windows95) DM-Map.Ico (Multi-Res Icon for Windows95) DM-Menu.Ico (Multi-Res Icon for Windows95) DM-Deusf.Dat (Wad2Map PWAD conversion data tool) DM-Wad.Dat (Wad2Map PWAD conversion data tool) DM-Pif.Dat (Windows95 PIF template data) DukeMenu.Hlp (Help file for DukeMenu) DukeMenu.Exe (The Program!) 2.B: FIRST TIME SETUP --------------------- The first time you run DukeMenu, you will enter the Welcome screen. From here you can install Duke3D, Build, EditArt, and/or Wad2Map. If you do not have any of these programs installed and you would like to use them with DukeMenu, then you should install them before continuing with DukeMenu setup. DukeMenu will ask for the paths to Duke3D.EXE, Build.EXE, EditArt.EXE, Wad2Map.EXE, MAP files, ART files, and WAD files. A window will pop up that will allow you to browse your hard drives for these files. If you do not have any of the programs installed, then simply click on "Cancel" when asked to locate it. After you have confirmed your settings, DukeMenu will ask you if you are running DukeMenu from within Windows95. If you click on "Okay", DukeMenu will create a PIF file and a REGistry file. Do NOT do this if you are running any version of Windows other than Windows95! Also, do NOT do this if you are running Windows95 in DOS mode. This will only function correctly if your are running DukeMenu from the Windows95 Graphical Interface! Once the PIF file and REGistry files are created, DukeMenu will ask if you would like to update the Registry. If you choose "Okay", you will be tossed back to the Windows95 DeskTop. There will be a window informing you that the REG file was entered into the Registry. Click on "Okay". Then, from the TaskBar, click on "DukeMenu". !! If you use the Windows95 Enhancements, I strongly recomend that you exit from DukeMenu after you complete First-Time-Setup and then re-run DukeMenu. This is so that the PIF file can take over and give you the optimum settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 3 * The Main Screen ----------------- 3.A: FAST MENUS --------------- At the bottom of the screen is a status bar that displays the currently selected MAP, ART, and WAD files. You can browse for a new selection by clicking on the displayed file name. Under this are the names of several commands, you can simply click on the name to instantly run the program with the current settings. 3.B: KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ----------------------- Main Window: D = Start Duke Nukem 3D with the current settings B = Start Build with the current settings E = Start EditArt with the current settings C = Goto a DOS Command prompt 9 = Goto a Windows95 Command prompt 1 = Start the User Defined Program #1 2 = Start the User Defined Program #2 M = Select a MAP file. A = Select an ART file. W = Select a WAD file. ALT + D = Goto the Duke Nukem 3D settings window. ALT + B = Goto the Build settings window. ALT + E = Goto the EditArt settings window. ALT + W = Goto the Wad2Map settings window. ALT + C = Goto the Configuration Settings window. ESC = Exit from DukeMenu While in a subwindow: ENTER = Start the default action. ESC = Exit from current window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 4 * Command Menu -------------- 4.A: DOS PROMPT --------------- Temporarily suspends DukeMenu and brings up a DOS Prompt. For this to work correctly you must have "Command.Com" in your PATH as specified in the "AutoExec.Bat" file. When you are finished in the Command Prompt simply type "exit" to return to DukeMenu. 4.B: WIN95 PROMPT ----------------- Temporarily suspends DukeMenu and brings up an Explorer Windows in the Windows95 GUI. For this to work correctly you must be running DukeMenu from within Windows95 and "Explorer" must be present in your Windows95 directory. When you are finished in the Explorer window simply click on the "DukeMenu" button in the TaskBar to return to DukeMenu. 4.C: SELECT MAP --------------- Brings up a window that allows you to browse your hard drive to select a MAP file that will be used with Duke3D and Build. 4.D: SELECT ART --------------- Brings up a window that allows you to browse your hard drive to select an ART file for use with EditArt or to link to the current MAP file using Smart-Map Linker. 4.E: SELECT WAD --------------- Brings up a window that allows you to browse your hard drive to select a WAD file that will be used with WAD2MAP to convert the PWAD to a MAP file. *NOTE* The special scripting in DukeMenu for converting WAD files only converts PWADs. This is because PWADs are what most people have trouble converting because Wad2Map does not convert them the way it says it will. 4.F: RUN PROGRAM ---------------- Brings up a window that allows you to browse your hard drive to select a program to run. If you run DukeMenu from within Windows95 then you can also run Windows based programs from this window. 4.G: RUN COMMAND ---------------- Brings up a window that allows you to enter in a specific command line to execute. If you run DukeMenu from within Windows95 then you can also execute Windows commands from this window. 4.H: Exit --------- Terminate DukeMenu and return control to the Operating System. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 5 * Programs Menu --------------- 5.A: DUKE NUKEM 3D ------------------ This window is where you make selections for how DukeMenu should deal with external MAP files and what settings to send to Duke3D. From this menu window you can select: Do Not load any maps with Duke3D Use MAP only Use MAP and ART Use Smart-Map loading Set game difficulty level Turn on fake-multi players for testing maps Set the mode, CoOp, DM, or DM respawn Record and playback Demo files. If you are going to run a multi-player game, and would like to use a MAP with it's associated ART, MID, and CON files, then from this menu you would select "Duke3D Setup with Smart-Map". 5.B: BUILD ---------- This window is for setting options for Build. It will allow you to choose to make a back-up of the map before starting Build. It will also copy the map file to the build directory, this is useful if you have build and your map files is different directories. You should use this option along with the option to Move the map file back to it's original directory on build exit. This just puts the map back from where it came from. You will also be able to make a selection of any external ART files that should be used with build. You can choose to not use any art, or to use the selected art filename, or to use Smart-Map loading with build. 5.C: EDIT ART ------------- This window is for setting options for EditArt. It allows you to choose to make a back-up of the ART file before starting EditArt. It will also copy the art file to the EditArt directory, this is useful if you have editart and your art files in different directories. You should use this option along with the option to Move the art file back to it's original directory on editart exit. This just puts the art back from where it came. ** NOTE ** EditArt ALWAYS says "Loading Tiles000.Art" regardless of the actual file it is loading! Also, EditArt always displays starting with tile numer 0, so if you load an ART file that has tiles 1000-1100 in it, EditArt will come up to a blank screen. Simply press 'V' and scroll down until you see the tiles. 5.D: WAD 2 MAP -------------- This window allows you to setup Wad2Map. I really do not recomend making any changes to the default settings. Make sure you know what you are doing BEFORE changing any of these settings. I'm sure most of you by now know that Wad2Map does not work the way it is documented to work. It does NOT convert PWAD files the way it says it does. A lot of time and programming went in to making DukeMenu take up the slack for Wad2Map. DukeMenu ONLY converts PWADs with Wad2Map, it does NOT work with IWADs. Also, DukeMenu makes use of the file 'Duke.Txt' in the Wad2Map directory. This file is a conversion look-up table for Wad2Map and MUST be in the Wad2Map directory for DukeMenu to properly convert your PWADs. 5.E: DUKE3D SETUP ----------------- This option simply launches the Duke Nukem 3D Setup Program. Do NOT use this option to play multi-player games with external MAPS! Use the Duke Nukem 3D window and select "Start Setup With Smart-Map". 5.F: BUILD SETUP ---------------- This option launches the Build Setup Program. Use it to setup your video mode in build. 5.G: USER PROGRAM #1 -------------------- This option launches a program that is defined by you! To setup this program, go to the Options, Configure window. See section 7.A 5.H: USER PROGRAM #2 -------------------- This option launches a program that is defined by you! To setup this program, go to the Options, Configure window. See section 7.A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 6 * Files Menu ------------ 6.A: MAP MANAGER ---------------- 6.B: ART MANAGER ---------------- 6.C: SMART-MAP LINKER --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 7 * Options Menu -------------- 7.A: CONFIGURE -------------- 7.B: INSTALLATIONS ------------------ 7.C: WIN95 ENHANCE ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 8 * Help Menu ----------- 8.A: CONTENTS ------------- 8.B: ABOUT ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duke Nukem 3D is Copyright of 3D-Realms, inc. Doom is Copyright of id Software, inc.