NLAUNCH Version 1.1 Title : NLAUNCH.EXE Author : Jacob Dienske E-mail : Description : Launcher for Duke Nukem 3D (Including database of all the mapnames on the Nuke it CD-ROM) If you don't have that CD-ROM, don't worry, you can still use this program for your own collection of maps I just included a database of that CD-ROM because there is no launcher on it Additional Credits to : B.T. Jansen for teaching me Clipper. ( With allot of patience :) ) E. Mller for testing. 3D REALMS and ID Ken Silverman for creating BUILD.EXE What has been changed Since version 1.0 ? : 1) Databases are now created if not present. including the Nuke it mapnames if you choose so. 2) You can now 'Pack' the database ( delete all maps marked [Deleted] ) 3) Took out the mapsnames that crashed on the Nuke it cd. 4) Changed the [Yes] [No] buttons. 5) Changed some hot keys. 6) You can toggles between index on rating or mapname 7) Better installation procedure. 8) Some other minor things. * Construction * Base : New program from scratch :) Editor(s) used : Q.EXE (very good text editor) Known Bugs : Problem: I see "Invalid path" very quickly when i start NUKEIT.BAT Answer: Don't worry about it, you didn't make a NLAUNCH directory, but it's harmless. You can make a NLAUNCH directory in your Duke Nukem directory or change NUKEIT.BAT Problem: The database acts strangely, i see every map twice. Answer: Delete all the .CDX files ( DEL *.CDX [Enter] ) In the directory where NLAUNCH.EXE is Problem: When i push [Enter] or [F12] on a map the program just stops without playing the map Answer: You started the program with NLAUNCH.EXE but you have to start it with NUKEIT.BAT in your Duke Nukem directory (Created if not present) (This problem is fixed in version 1.1) If you find any other bugs / problems please let me know If you have any CSQ's (Comments / Suggestions / Questions) e-mail me at * Future Ideas * : I'm gonna make a link with BUILD.EXE so that you can view a map before playing it. * Where to get this program * FTP sites: Latest version others BBS numbers: Non that i know of Other: E-mail me (