************************************************************* DUKE NUKEM ATOMIC EDITION FAKE MULTIPLAYER PICKER THINGY v1.0 released 1-24-99 by Joe Barta jbarta@apk.net Latest version probably available at http://members.xoom.com/jbarta/junkdrawer/pickerthingy.zip This batch file requires that ANSI.SYS be loaded. See below for details. This batch file is not copyrighted. You may use, modify or distribute it to your little heart's content. This batch file is not in any way connected with or supported by 3DREALMS. It is my own home brew. Use at your own risk. ************************************************************* Usage Notes ================================================ What does this thing do? This is essentially a menu. If you wanted to play fake multiplayer in Hollywood against 2 other "people" and no monsters, you would need to type the following at the command prompt: duke3d.exe /v1 /l1 /q3 /a /m All this little batch file does is present you with the varied choices. After you pick this and that, the appropriate command line is passed. Simple. Note: I have Windows95 and all my instructions reflect that. I'm not familiar with other OS's so... ================================================ ANSI.SYS needs to be loaded. If you know what I'm talking about, you can skip this section. If not, read on. First let me say that I'm not entirely sure what I'm talking about. I'm not all that much of a computer geek. I will relate this stuff based on what I believe and what my experience has been. I would venture to say though that you won't do any harm fiddling with this stuff. ANSI.SYS is a device driver that allows your computer to do certain things. One of the things it does is allow you to control colors in DOS. The batch file uses a few colors and thus relies on ANSI.SYS. I could have made it without the colors but I didn't feel like it... I wanted color. To see if you have ANSI.SYS loaded, double click on ANSICHEK.BAT. It's pretty self explanatory. If it shows you have ANSI.SYS loaded, you can skip the rest of his section. If not, read on. First check to see that you have ANSI.SYS Check C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ for it. If it's not there, you will have to find it. Next we have to tell the computer to load it when (before?) Windows starts. In your root directory (probably C:\) find CONFIG.SYS. Open it with an ordinary text editor. Add the following line: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ANSI.SYS If your ANSI.SYS is somewhere other than C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ you will need to change the above line accordingly. You will need to restart your computer for the change to take effect. After restart, run ANSICHEK.BAT again. Hopefully now you will see colors. Also, now you can use colors in YOUR batch files... but that is an entirely different topic. ================================================ Place MULTIPIK.BAT in your DUKE3D directory. Place the MULTIPIK shortcut wherever. The shortcut assumes your Duke to be in C:\DUKE3D\. If it is elsewhere, you will have to edit the shortcut. ================================================ If you run the batch file and you get "Out of environment space" and it dies, here's what you need to do: - Create a shortcut to MULTIPIK.BAT - Right-click on it and choose Properties. - Choose the Memory tab. - For "Initial environment" choose 1024 While your at it, so that the thing immediately pops into full screen... - Choose the Screen tab - Under Usage check "Full Screen" Click OK and that's it. The shortcut I supplied has both of these things done. ================================================ Feedback: If you have comments, suggestions, problems or whatever regarding the use of this batch file, let me know... jbarta@apk.net Also, the "other players" are a little fast and just a little too accurate. If you know of a way to optionally tone them down a little... let me know that too. ================================================