SMAP v1.0 [THE ULTIMATE MAP SELECTOR TO USE WITH DUKE NUKEM 3D REGISTRED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF (THE USUAL STUFF) ----------------------------- SMAP is provided as is. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consquential, which may result from the use of this program. You agree to use this software at your own risks. Duke Nukem 3D is (c) 3D Realms Entertainment. INTRODUCTION ------------ As you already know it's a real pain to play external .MAP files in Duke Nukem 3D. Well you can always use the SETUP.exe and try to find the right map that your friend wants to play by browsing through the unsorted list of about 40 maps max. And since those .MAP files are very popular over the internet, sometimes you want to try the 50 new ones that came out in the day before playing them in dukematch. You can always do a "DUKE3D -MAP" and have to do this over and over because you can only play 1 map at a time. Finally you can use your favorite text-editor to manually modify the USER.CON and see the game crash because your friend didn't put the maps in the same order as you did. I was one of those frustrated player, so that's why I decided to write SMAP. I hope that you'll find it useful. INSTALLATION ------------ Put SMAP.exe in your DUKE3D directory. Do a backup of your USER.CON we never know. There should be no problem though. For registred users: put your keyfile in the same directory. NOTE: All your .map must be in the DUKE3D directory in order to play them, since DUKE3D.exe doesn't support alternate directory to play .map from. HOW TO USE SMAP v1.00 --------------------- The screen is splitted in two. The upper part is for browsing through the available .MAP files in your directory. The other part shows the maps you've selected and the Top 10 List. On the right side you'll see 2 indicators: #MAPS and SYNC# #MAPS: The number of maps available. NOTE: The shareware version of SMAP is limited to 25 maps. SYNC#: Each selection of maps generate a unique SYNC number. You can use this number to see easily if the chosen maps are the same on both sides. NOTE: You CAN'T enter a SYNC number to generate a precise set of maps. In SMAP you can use the following keys: --------------------------------------- .--------------------------. |(^) = Top window only | |(v) = Bottom window only | |(*) = In both windows | `--------------------------' (*) [TAB] : To switch from the top window to the bottom one and vice versa. REMEMBER: keys with this sign : (^) will work in the UPPER window only. keys with this sign : (v) will work in the LOWER window only. (*) [ARROWS] : To move around the maps (^) [PGUP/PGDN/HOME/END] : Up and Down one page (88 maps) + First and Last (^) [A to Z / 0 to 9]: To go to the first map that is beginning with this letter ex: Pressing 'M' will go to the first map beginning with a M. NOTE: There're maps beginning with some unusuals characters like ! and {. You will NOT be able to jump to those by pressing their first characters. (*) [F1] : For help (*) [F2] : To view to USER.CON file (*) [F4] : To pick a set of random maps. If you have only 10 maps in your directory, the random pick will choose all of them. You need at least 33 maps to get a random pick of 33 maps. Each map will be choose once. (*) [F5] : To UPDATE the USER.CON file and quit. The user.con will be modified to use the selected maps (those in the bottom window). If no map is chosen for a slot (ex: E2L3 is left blank), E2L3 will keep the one in the previous update. (*) [F7] : To toggle the ColorBySize mode. With this option on (default) you will be able to identify the maps by their size. It's easier when you want to play small or big maps. On the right of the screen you'll find the meaning of each color. (^) [F8] : To view the info file that comes with the map. As you know, most of the maps come with a .TXT file. If there's a file with the same name + .TXT you'll be able to display it by pressing this key. Exemple: if MYMAP.TXT exists in the current directory, you'll see it by pressing F8 on MYMAP. NOTE: text files bigger than 64k will not be display. I don't think that someone will write something that big anyway. (*) [F9] : To clear the selected maps of the bottom window. (*) [ESC] : To quit SMAP without updating the USER.CON (^) [ENTER/SPACE] : To select a map from the top window. When you choose a map, it will find the FIRST available slot in the bottom window. You can't select additional maps when the bottom window is full (33 maps selected). (v) [ENTER/SPACE] : To enter manually a map name. This is pretty useful when your opponent tells you a list of maps over the phone, you can enter them very quickly. Press [ENTER] and then write the name. If the name doesn't exist you'll hear a BEEP and you'll get a blank entry. If it does it'll appear in the current slot. NOTE: If you press [ENTER] over a slot that contains a map, you'll be able to type in a new one. But if the map you've just entered doesn't exist, the previous one will appear in the current slot. (v) [DEL] : Remove the map from the current slot. (*) [ALT]+[1] to [9] : To save a set of maps into the Top 10 In case that you've made a mistake, ex: ALT+1 instead of ALT+2, you can do [ESCAPE] + [ENTER] to abort and the Top 10 List will no be update. NOTE: If you press [ENTER] instead of typing a name for the Top 10 entry, you will clear the bottom window (same as F9). So this way you can quickly remove unwanted entry in the Top 10 List. (*) [SHIFT]+[0] to [9] : To use a set of maps saved from the Top 10 List. NOTE: This option will clear all selected maps in the bottom window, replacing them with the ones from the Top 10 entry. NOTE: [SHIFT][0] will display the original maps in the bottom window. Names will be E1L1 to E3L11, but the USER.CON will be updated with the default PAR TIME, 3DRealms TIME and orignal level names like Hollywood Holocaust and so on... (*) [~] : To use and modify the maps from the USER.CON. You'll be able to edit the current selections of maps from the USER.CON. Useful for last minute changes. KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS -------------------------- None that I know of except spelling mistakes and stuff like that in this doc. USER.CON must be < 64k or it will not be updated. You must have Duke Nukem 3D Registred to use external map files. If you use maps in slots E1L7 through E1L11, you will NOT be able to play them in dukematch or alone with DNSCOTTYxxx. This is a bug in Duke Nukem 3D! Maybe it will be fix in the 1.4 release (I hope). THE FUTURE OF SMAP ------------------ - Mouse support in DOS - OS/2 version THANX TO MY BETA TESTERS: ------------------------- - Christian Beaulieu - Stephane Savard - Stephane Leroy - Vincent Lapointe HOW TO REGISTER --------------- The shareware version of SMAP will display only 25 maps on your screen. The registered one will display almost an unlimited number of maps (around 5000). SMAP is ONLY 5$ in canadian OR american currency it doesn't matter. You're from Canada? Then send 5$can. You're from the States or anywhere else? Well send 5$us then. You will receive your registration key via Email, attach to a message. It's about 600bytes big. SO INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. If you don't have an Email address, you will receive your keyfile on a 3.5" disk via snail mail. But it will be an extra 2$ for shipping and handling. SEND MONEY ORDER OR CHECK. THANK YOU. ^^^^^^^^^^^ ----8<--Cut here------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Address: State/Province: Zip Code: Country: EMAIL: [ ] SMAP registration via Email $ 5.00 [ ] SMAP registration on a 3.5" disk $ 7.00 MONEY ORDER OR CHECK. THANK YOU. ^^^^^^^^^^^ ----8<--Cut here------------------------------------------------------------- Send this order form to: Marc Barrette c.p. 31043 2700 Boul. Laurier Ste-Foy, PQ G1V 4W6 Canada CONTACT THE AUTHOR ------------------ - Write to the address above. - You can contact me via email at: - You'll find the latest update (if any) on my web page: