Please Read at least sections 1-7 of this File. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW IT INSTALL RUN AND PLAY DUKE ARENA BEFORE YOUR FIRST GAME. Table of Contents: 1. Credits 2. Play info 3. Construction info 4. Important info inc. installation. 5. Game Types description and info. 6. Bot info 7. Making your own CTF levels 8. Level credits and info ====================================================================== [1] * Credits * Title : Duke Arena Beta Demo Filename : Add-On Leader : Tom Juby (aka TJ, Tibb) E-mail : Web Page : Description : This a BETA VERSION, Please send in bug reports after checking that they aren't already found on the "bugs" page on the website. This is a Multi-PLayer Add-On for Duke Nukem 1.3D. It includes the best Duke Match (DM) levels from the original game, New DM levels, Capture The Flag levels (CTF), King Of the Hill (KOH), and many more in the final version. Please read the individual "game type" notes in this text file to understand how each game works. Credits : TJ, nyk, Corvin, Fusi0n, Eagle666, T-Rex, Additional Credits To : The entire Duke Arena Team, James Ferry, The [shudders] Duke Fortress Team, Mighty 7 (Duke CTF). Those few people who botherd to suggest ideas. Shadow Warrior for art+map, Half-Life for some sounds. Redneck Rampage for art. Sob- Bot Team (S.Linkers & J.Weimar) , Steve Trinkl, Ledjon, AiC. ====================================================================== [2] * Play Information * Episode and Level # : All 3 episodes Single Player : Yes with Bots DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes with Bots Difficulty Settings : Yes, it sets how many Bots per team. Plutonium Pak Required : No, 1.3d ONLY New Art : Yes (some taken from other games) New Music : No New Sound Effects : Yes (some taken from other games) New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== [3] * Construction * Base : New Add-On from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : Editart, Paint Shop Pro 5, Photoshop Construction Time : A year !!! Known Bugs/Problems : This is a BETA VERSION, please submit all the bugs you've found and any comments and suggestions on the webpage. *Don't move before the team select menu appears and make sure your team is selected before the countdown ends. *Few Warps bugs in some levels. *The Kill recorders can't tell the difference between a suicide and a normal kill, it only records the death. * Where to get this Add-On file * File location : Please do NOT upload this file to anywhere else, i don't want early version floating around the web. ===================================================================== [4] *Important Information* Installation : Use this TC at your own risk! I recomend installing these files into a clean directory of duke. Back up any *.art files (It shouldn't replace any other file types). Unzip all the files in your duke directory then run dapatch.exe, and select install, then it's ready to play. (dapatch.exe changes some global sounds, the episode and skill names, and the con file used. To play DA without using the *.exe run duke with /xda_game.con in command line, (you will loose the features described above). some anti-virus scanners may misinterpret the dapatch.exe code as a virus (because it changes some values in the duke.exe), IT IS NOT A VIRUS To play in single player mode run in fake multiplayer mode: Run da_single.bat then go to the menu and select a new map. Un-Installation : Run Dapatch.exe and choose uninstall, then deleted all the files starting with "da_*.*" (make sure you only delete the files for duke arena), and (000, 009, 013, 014, 015) Important Notes : Remember this is a BETA Version so please visit the bug report page on the website and submit bugs and comments. This is for Duke 1.3d ONLY (WILL NOT WORK FOR SHARWARE OR DUKE 1.4/5) ALL UNIQUE MATERIAL IS COPYRIGHT © 1998-2000 TO ITS AUTHOR UNAUTHORISED REPRODUCTION AND USAGE OF DUKE ARENA OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED ====================================================================== [5] *Muliplayer Game descriptions - how to play* Duke Arena only work properly when in multiplayer or fake mulitplayer mode. To use ladders press jump and duck to climb up and down, space will also make duke climb the ladder. =========== Team select =========== At the start of every level a menu will appear infront of you (BUG: don't move when the level first starts or the menu may not display correctly) press "use" (space) to change team, leave the team you want highlighted and after a few second the game begins (make sure you have selected your team before the game starts), your pants show your team colour and dukes belt helps you identify players (the belt colours are the same as normal DM colours (so player 1 has a blue blet, 2 red, 3 light green, 4 light grey, etc). Above the menu, there is a info window which gives a short description of what you have to do on that map. It's a good idea to decide the teams before the game starts. == DM == These work in the same way as in the original game, leave the menu on "NO TEAMS" to play normally, for the standard duke levels all the enemies have been converted to bots, use the skill level to change the number of bot for the level. I would recomend lowest skill because all the monsters have been turned to bots, and thats a lot of bots:) ==== Team ==== These are DM levels but you select your team via the menu, duke pants show what team your on, and his belt helps you to identify single players. If you choose to use bots, they will be gold bots which attack all teams. === CTF === This is a Team based game. The idea is that you have to take a enemy flag back to your flag, if the enemy drops the flag you can warp it back to your base by walking over it. To drop the flag press your night vision button. There are other types of CTF where you have to take a enemy flag back to a capture point and not your flag. And a golden flag which both team can pick up and take back to their capture point or a capture point used by every team. There can also be more than one flag spawn point, so the flag spawn randomly. You have to organise a attack and defence. === KoH === There is a point on the map that you have to stay on, the longer you stay on it the more points you get. Some points can be used by every team and some are team sensitive. *Please Note* Beacause Duke Arena has so many variations on game types we havent got enough maps to show off all of these, we hope with your help we can have enough maps to show all of these off by the next release. ====================================================================== [6] BOTS: We have been alowed to use the code from the Sob-Bots. To select bots you turn monsters on and change the difficulty setting, the higher the difficulty the more bots there are, in DM levels these will shoot anyone. For the third episode (team based games), the bots are team sensitve. Unfortuatly the .con code doesnt allow for very advanced bots like in quake, but they are better than nothing. Controling your bots, go up to a bot on your team a press: Use (spacebar) = they run off in the direction they are facing and scout around Use + duck = sets follow mode Use + jump = camp mode / face you This control method should be improved by the next release :) For the standard levels all monsters have been turned to bots, this means a level could contain about 30 bots, and these will attack anyone. For the new maps, there are less bots (4 per team max) and they are team sensitive. ====================================================================== [7] Making your own CTF levels. Because this is a Beta version we are giving this out as is, we are not providing any level making support because we want to eliminate the bugs and we dont want other TCs ripping are code. In a Later release we will write a guide describing how to make your own CTF levels. ====================================================================== [8] LEVEL CREDITS: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ====================================================================== Title : Anarchy... ( A CTF LEVEL )_ Filename : Author : Andrew Otis.... (T-Rex) E-mail : Web Page : Description : Two base similar and each flag are locate on the top of each base. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : 15 hours Known Bugs/Problems : Warp bugs on overlapping areas. ===================================================================== *Important Information* This map is for the Duke arena TC only... ====================================================================== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ====================================================================== Title : HELL BASES FROM SPACE ( A CTF LEVEL )_ Filename : Author : Andrew Otis.... (T-Rex) E-mail : Web Page : Description : Two similar bases. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : 24 hours Known Bugs/Problems : None are known (if you find a bug, contact me). ===================================================================== *Important Information* This map is for the Duke arena TC only... ====================================================================== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : Dam Valley [CTF] Filename : Author : TJ E-mail : Web Page : Description : A nice level to run through Additional Credits To : nyk for CTF conversion. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (bots) ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : 2 weeks Known Bugs/Problems : Possible to "squish" yourself in water, and on the rotating pipe. (please contact me if you find any more) * Where to get this MAP file * File location : As part of the DUKE ARENA MOD, only avalible on DUKEWORLD. ===================================================================== Important Notes : This map is for the Duke arena TC only... ====================================================================== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : SPIN CYCLE [KOH] Filename : Author : TJ + 3D Realms E-mail : Web Page : Description : Conversion of spin cycle into a KOH level. This level doesnt use team sensitive spawn points. Additional Credits To : 3D realms for original maps, and nyk for koh conversion. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Modified Spin Cycle Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : few hours Known Bugs/Problems : None * Where to get this MAP file * File location : As part of the DUKE ARENA MOD, only avalible on DUKEWORLD. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Important Notes : This map is for the Duke arena TC only... ====================================================================== *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : RIPPER VALLEY [DM] Filename : Author : TJ + 3D Realms E-mail : Web Page : Description : Conversion of a map from shadow warrior. Additional Credits To : 3D realms for original maps ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Modified ripper valley Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : few hours Known Bugs/Problems : None * Where to get this MAP file * File location : As part of the DUKE ARENA MOD, only avalible on DUKEWORLD. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Important Notes : This map is for the Duke arena TC only... ======================================================================