THIS LEVEL REQUIRES THE PLATOON TC!!!! ====================================================================== Title : Delta Filename : Author : Nicki Marc Misc. Author Info : Danish E-mail : Web Page : Don't have one. Other Levels : Rambleon, reddwarf, village, craft, exodus. A few other non-platoon levels. ====================================================================== Description : A VERY dense forest. A few clearings. Many hills and some ammo to pick up along the way. Briefing : A NVA division is moving towards Da Nang. They have scattered in the dense forest nearby. Your mission is to drive them back. We will send you and your men in in a chopper and lower you into a clearing in the forest. The enemy should be to the east. We will pick you up in another clearing far east. Due to the extreme density, airsupport will not be available. Good luck Leutenant..... ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Level Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes, 8-players. Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes, 8-players. Difficulty Settings : Yes New Art : no New Music : no New Sound Effects : no ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level. Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : 1 day. Known Bugs : None COPYRIGHT NOTICE : Ehhhh.....just play, copy, enjoy with a friend....