
Disclaimer: We welcome mod submissions to our community, but please note that they are subject to certain restrictions. To learn more about our submission policy, please click here. Please be aware that we reserve the right to reject or remove any mods that violate this policy.

Duke Nukem 1

First Duke game with map editor to toy with.

Duke Nukem 2

Thanks to Rigel Engine now you kick ass with more mods.

Duke Nukem 3D

The classic we know and was made open source for pro modders to mess with.

Duke Nukem MP

A fun mutant ass kicking game with map editor and mods.

Duke Nukem Forever

Not 2001 but 2011 was fair game and small on modding scene slowly growing.

Duke Nukem Forever 2001

The e3 version of the game contains lot great fans mods and maps.

Duke Nukem Zero Hour

It’s bit early start might be while until things shape up for modding scene for Zero Hour.

Duke Nukem Misc

Some extras Duke Stuff with inspired fans making content for the king.