Category: Duke Nukem News

  • DNC Duke it out event on Saturday! (On NukemNet)

    If you have seen the official Discord server for Duke Nukem Central, you have most likely seen that there’s a Saturday event going on! Duking it out on Nukemnet. The mod used? “NetDuke32 Complete Fun pack”! This is also using Duke Nukem 3D, so you must own the Atomic version, and the NetDuke32 client for…


  • DNC website might undergo maintenance at some point

    We apologize for any inconvenience We experienced a few hiccups in the last few days due to a WordPress update, and we’ll make sure to fix these issues when our own time is available. Also we might move to new CMS in the future we will have to see what our options are. Thanks taking…


  • Unveiling DNC Jam 23 (Content Jam) Event

    Hey Dukesters, Something exciting has been brewing in the minds of our DNC staff for a while now. We’re thrilled to announce our first-ever event, Duke Nukem Central JAM 2023, also known as “DNC Jam 23”! We’re currently working hard to bring this event to life and will share all the details with you as…


  • New Tool Available for Porting Models into DNF2011″

    Dear members of the Duke Nukem Central community, We are thrilled to announce that after much anticipation, our friend Zombie has successfully developed a tool for porting models into the DNF2011 game. This is an exciting development for all those who have been eagerly awaiting this news, and we are pleased to share the details…


  • YANG – Yet Another Netplay Guider Source Code Released

    We are excited to share the news that NY00123, the talented creator and main maintainer of YANG, has made his code open source to the public. This is a significant development, as NY00123 has been running the code since 2008, and his decision to share it with the community is a welcome gesture. If you…


  • Duke Nukem 3D being remade on Unreal Engine 5 by Revamped Team

    There is an ongoing Duke Nukem 3D project, a Unreal Engine 5 remake called “Duke Nukem 3D Revamped”, which was announced by ZNukem and Snake Plissken on Duke4. Two more Duke Nukem 3D projects fan were also announced by different people.


  • x0r_jmp Strikes Once Again with Duke Nukem 4Ever (1996) on Christmas Day

    x0r_jmp has left a Christmas present for Duke Nukem fans – four builds of Duke Nukem 4Ever from October to November 1996. Here are some screenshots to give you a taste. Unfortunately, we cannot provide a source for the leaked builds, so you will have to do your own searching. Triaxis:Seeing the dates made me…


  • x0r_jmp Strikes again with DN Endangered Species

    x0r_jmp has leaked another title again. This time it’s the hunting game we have been waiting for a long time, Endangered Species. Here are a few screenshots. Sadly, we can’t tell you where to get it, so you will have to look around. Duke64Nukem:Some of the levels are fully playable in the leak. You should…


  • Duke Nukem Forever (2001) – New stuff got leaked once again.

    UPDATE : Two builds from August and October 2001 was leaked! This might surprise some of you. New stuff from Duke Nukem Forever 2001 just leaked, but don’t get your hopes up yet. The unknown user who leaked it may not release it. You can check out the details on this Reddit post: There…


  • Duke Nukem Critical Mass Got Leaked

    News: A few weeks ago, rumors circulated about an unknown user who released some files of Duke Nukem Critical Mass online. The files contained almost complete library builds and even some extras like artwork and source code for the game. Additionally, there was an unreleased game which was Critical Mass renamed without Duke and with…
