Snake Plissken DN3D Revisited Mod for DNF2011 (Late 2023 Update)


Snake has returned to working on his mod once again. A while back, Scott Miller posted a tweet regarding the mod, which you can find here: Link to Scott Miller’s tweet.

Snake took a break for a few months to relax his mind after the hard work he had put in. Up to this point, he’s been focusing on the multiplayer aspect of the mod, with assistance from StarNukem, a respected member of the Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) community. There’s no official release date for the mod yet, and it’s still uncertain if it will become a full TC (Total Conversion) project. Snake did mention, however, that he might possibly port the first level from Nuclear Winter by Christmas this year, although it’s unclear if he will tackle the entire project.

Our DNC owner, ZNukem, expressed uncertainty about whether all of his Duke lines will be included in Snake’s new build. ZNukem is also planning to update his voice pack for Duke Nukem 3D, now that he has a Blue Yeti X microphone which offers much clearer audio quality compared to his previous Snowball microphone. Once he finishes recording the new lines, he intends to provide them to Snake for inclusion and updates in the project. ZNukem has been assisting Snake on and off with the project and has had a great time working with him, finding Snake to be a very chill and nice person to hang out with. He looks forward to collaborating with Snake more in the future.

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